
Open Letter about Defense of the Blind

I would like to help change the world of the blind and the visually impaired people. I want their humiliation to stop. The blind people should have a chance to live a dignified life. A life full of activity and responsibility. I want the blind people to stop being dependent on charity. I want the blind people to be proud individuals who are fully aware of their responsibilities.

I would like to do away with a world which divides people into those who are "healthy" and those who are "handicapped". The disabled people are not a badly done organism. It is just that their journey through this earthly life is more difficult. They have many things to offer but to be able to do so, they need appropriate conditions.

I feel this as a matter which touches me personally.

I am a blind person. I have suffered. I have been humiliated. I do not want other people to experience the same.

I would be extremely happy to meet people who would be willing to work towards the same goal.

Blindness is not a business for me, it is my life. After more than twenty years working in the field I know that it is not enough to have ideals. It is necessary to have financial backup to realise them.

I know what we must change so that the "healthy" people and the "disabled" people could live under conditions of mutual esteem. I hope I will have enough strength to do this. I hope I will meet people who will want to accomplish the same things as I do.

More information at

Jan Buchal